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Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to add new node in RAC Environment

Coming Soon.....

RAC Installation Using Vmware

This is document to explain how to install Real Application Cluster Using Vmware - PART I.


1. Operating System Windows XP SP4
2. Operating System Memory 4g

3. Process Intel Core 2 duo - 4 cpu process
4. Install Vmware Server (Vmware workstation not support RAC)
5. Guest Operating Sytem "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS"

The above screen shot explain about configuration. Before starting RAC configuration you need to follow below steps.

1. Using Vmware Server Create new Vmware Machine (name called RAC1) ( Make sure add only one default hard disk and add two network card (network card should be bridge mode))

2. Once you create V-Machine (RAC1-Node1). Install Red Hat Linux 4 AS

3. Once you successfully completed red hat linux guest operating system in RAC1. Also Install Vmware tools in your guest operating system.

Please install all rpm packages for oracle releated.

Find RPM Installation details

Using the above link configure /etc/sysctl.conf kernel packages.

4. The below screen teach about your shared devices

As per shared storage architecture add few hard disk in your guest operating system (RAC1).

1. Select RAC1 inventory; -> right clck > select hard disk > create new virtual disk > SCSI > Disk Size (say 15G) -> > Hard Disk Name (say CRS) -> Advanced > Virtual Device Node - When you add new hard disk for storage purpose; this disk name and type should be different from your Guest Operating System hard disk & type.


1. Guest Operating System Hard Disk type - SCSI 0:0 series
2. Shared Storage Disk type should be - SCSI 1:0 series.

-> Also select "Independent-Persistent" this is help for cluster configuration.

PS: Repeat above process to create OCR , ASM1, ASM2, ASM3 hard disk . Pls look the below screen shot.

5. Now SHUTDOWN your Guest Operating System ( I Mean RAC1). Just copy (manual copy) your RAC1 and create one more duplicate (like RAC2 using RAC1)

Now we have two operating System (RAC1 & RAC2) and Operating Sytem name called (Linux1 & Linux2).

Next Part II .... Vmware Cluster Configuration & Shared Storage Configuration.

PS: Please post your feedback/comments.